Crochet Egg Pattern

Play food is more than just fun – it can also be a powerful educational tool that sparks creativity, enhances imagination, and fosters essential skills in children. As an avid crocheter with a passion for developing social and cognitive skills in children, I love making soft toys, such as this free crochet egg pattern that mimic adult responsibilities. From pretending to cook elaborate meals to setting up imaginative tea parties, children engage in role-play scenarios that promote social interaction and communication skills. Through hands-on exploration with play food, kids learn about food concepts, develop fine motor skills, and even practice basic math as they “measure” ingredients and serve up imaginative dishes. Inspired by the educational benefits of play food, I’ve begun designing my own crochet food patterns aimed at making learning both fun and enriching. Join me on this crafting adventure as we combine creativity, education and the joy of handmade!

This crochet egg pattern is the first of many free crochet patterns for you to enjoy. So, grab your hook, some yarn, maybe a good movie, and of course, coffee, and lets begin!


Crochet Hook: 3.5 mm/ E

Yarn: Brown, white or desired egg colour in medium weight (DK)(11 yards/10 meters)

Other Supplies: Polyfil or stuffing material, needle, scissors

Abbreviations: [sc-single crochet] [inc-increase] [dec-invisible decrease] [st-stitch]

Instructions: Work in continuous rounds

crochet eggs

Start with chosen egg colour

1. sc 6 in a magic ring [6]

2. inc in each st around [12]

3. (sc 3, inc) 3 times [15]

4. sc 2 (inc, sc 4) 2 times, inc, sc 2 [18]

5. sc in each st around [18]

6. (sc 5, inc) 3 times [21]

7. sc in each st around [21]

8. sc 3 (inc, sc 6) 2 times, inc, sc 3 [24]

9. sc in each st around [24]

10. (sc 7, inc) 3 times [27]

11. sc in each st around [27]

12. sc 4 (inc, sc 8) 2 times, inc, sc 4 [30]

13-15. sc in each st around [30] -3 rounds

16. (sc 3, dec) 6 times [24]

17. (sc 2, dec) 6 times [18]

Stuff firmly, continue to stuff as you work

18. (sc, dec) 6 times [12]

19. dec 6 times [6]

Fasten off, weave opening closed and weave in ends

And that’s it! A simple crocheted egg perfect for decorating or playing!

Is there any food toy you would love to make? Send me a message, I’d love to hear from you!

Crochet eggs in an egg carton with crochet fried eggs and toast beside.